Can you change your height?

Seriously, think about it. Can you lay there at night and toss and turn and turn and toss and finally decide, ‘I want to be 6ft’… And *poof!* you are 6ft? No matter how much we fuss and worry, we can never be any taller than what we were created to be. We can’t change our height. It’s out of our control. Keep this in mind as you read these words of Jesus:

… which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?‘ – Luke 12:25 (NKJV)

Now depending on the translation you use of the Bible, verse 25 will either talk about height or adding time to your life. But the principal is still the same. Whether we talk about our height or time—both are out of our control. Worrying will not change our height. Worrying will not add time to our life.

Jesus then carries on with the question – ‘If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest?‘ – Luke 12:26

We are not able to do the least (change our height and add time), so why are we anxious about the rest? Now ‘the rest’ is an exhaustive list and it includes whatever may be making you anxious and worried. Simply worrying over the issue WILL NOT change anything. Worrying is a fruitless activity. It is vain, empty, pointless… Yet we often can be caught in anxiety and worry. But we need to obey God’s commands:

…do not worry about your life…‘- Luke 12:22

… do not worry about tomorrow… ‘- Matthew 6:34

be anxious for nothing‘ – Philippians 4:6

Now it’s a command which is hard to obey because as we go through life so many things trouble us. So many uncertainties. So many issues. So many unknowns. So much stress. How are we meant to handle life’s stresses without worrying?

I shall share two keys:

To go over and over a current or potential issue in your head—a.k.a. worrying—is fruitless and only causes more stress. However, to take those current or potential issues and pour out your heart to God—ah that’s where there is fruit and victory. When we can’t, God can. He is the only One more than able to guide and help our life. The only One able to carry and deal with our burdens and cares (see 1 Peter 5:7; Psalm 62:8). We need to talk to the Lord about it and leave it in His care. God promises His peace of mind and heart to us after we give Him our anxieties! What an amazing promise!

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.’- Philippians 4:6-7 (emphasis added)

Seek His kingdom

…For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.‘ – Matthew 6:32b-33. After we have given it to God, our main priority should then be His kingdom and His righteousness. This life that we live is bigger than us, and our purpose is greater than our life here and now on earth. We need to change our perspective and be about God’s business, just as Jesus was. It says in the verse above that ‘all these things’ that God knows we need shall be added to us. It’s a promise. We can rest from our worries knowing that God is taking care of them. When we trust Him and are not weighed down with care, we are the most useful to Him and are able to live the lives we were called to live.

Have you been disobeying this command to not worry? Take heart, today is a new day and His mercies are new. Today we can obey and be anxious for nothing 🙂

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